Transurban is committed to achieving net zero by 2050

What we've done
  • Since January 2022 Transurban has been operating with more than 60% renewable energy. With renewable power purchasing agreements in place across all three Australian markets our use of renewable energy will increase further between now and 2024.
  • Transurban fleet rationalisation, fuel efficiency and electric vehicle transition were considered within our most recent round of fleet procurement. Six plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have been incorporated into the Transurban fleet with more planned as suitable electric vehicle models become available between now and 2025.
  • Worked with incident response and maintenance provider, Ventia, on the procurement of a world-first, custom-built, fully electric truck-mounted attenuator (TMA) for use in incident response in NSW.
  • Ventilation optimisation, roadside technology upgrades and LED lighting upgrades reducing demand for electricity across our assets by more than 236,000 kWh per annum.
  • 234kW of on-site solar photo voltaic panels installed.
How we’re getting to 2030
  • Transition Transurban’s fleet to zero-emissions vehicles
  • Contractor targets for fuel efficiency
  • Work with contractors on zero-emissions fleet transition
  • Increase our use of renewable energy across the business
  • Ongoing lighting upgrade and ventilation optimisation program
  • Install more onsite renewables
How we’re getting to 2050
  • Eliminate fuel from vehicle operations wherever possible as new technologies become available
  • Transition to 100% renewable energy
What we've done
  • Commenced Direct engagement with top suppliers on greenhouse gas reduction to identify opportunities to collaborate and inform supply chain decarbonisation strategy
  • Annual CDP supply chain reporting for major suppliers to improve data collection, engagement and track reduction progress
  • Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) ratings for design and as built phases of all Australian projects, reducing major project emissions by >400,000 tCO2e to date
  • Working with the Materials Embodied Carbon Leaders Alliance (MECLA) on the decarbonisation of the Australian construction sector
How we’re getting to 2030
  • Supplier commitments to renewable energy, Science Based Targets initiative and / or carbon neutrality
    • More than two thirds of our major suppliers have, or are working towards, science-based GHG reduction targets
    • 35% of the energy used by our major suppliers comes from renewable sources
  • Low carbon and circular materials strategy to reduce waste and promote resource recovery
  • Enhanced major project specifications focused on reducing direct fuel consumption, increasing renewable energy and using low-carbon materials
How we’re getting to 2050
  • Flexible work arrangements, access to digital technology, zero emissions vehicles and aviation sector commitments will reduce travel-related emissions across supply chain
  • Influencing our investment partners to undertake similar programs for shared assets
  • Electricity grid transition to renewable energy capturing extended supply chain
  • Sourcing more low carbon products and services
  • Carbon offset of the residual emissions unable to be avoided
From the design of our roads to technology and customer education, we are committed to reducing the emissions for all of our road users. While customer emissions are not counted in our Scope 3 emissions, if we can help reduce them, we should and will. This is especially important with more than 2 million vehicles using our roads daily, generating over 1.2 million tCO2e annually.
Customer emissions
  • From the design of our roads to technology and customer education that promotes efficient driving, we are committed to reducing our customers’ vehicle emissions.
  • These emissions are not formally within our direct control or part of our Scope 3 targets, but we acknowledge their impact on the environment and our responsibility to take action to try and minimise their impact.
  • Our 2021 customer eco-driving trial found that it was possible to reduce fuel use and emissions by, on average, 5.5% for existing vehicles.
  • Reducing existing vehicle emissions is something we can do now and will continue to be a focus.
Our road infrastructure
  • Our roads are designed and built for fuel-efficient travel with flatter gradients and smoother road surfaces.
  • More direct routes without traffic lights and with higher speed limits provide quicker, more free-flowing journeys.
  • Redistributing traffic from less-efficient alternatives in turn reduces congestion across the wider network, further reducing network-wide emissions.
  • Our roads reduce fuel and GHG emissions by an average 30% per trip, compared to alternate routes.
Transitioning to zero emission vehicles
  • Completed customer research to understand barriers to ZEV uptake and opportunities in the Australian market to accelerate EV uptake.
  • Launching an education campaign that will allow customers trial an EV and break down some of the barriers to EV uptake.
  • Undertaken customer eco-driving trials to help educate customers on the most economical ways of driving.
  • Collaboration with Government of Quebec toll-exemption pilot program for registered electric vehicles using the A25.