Victoria Frequently Asked Questions
Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised terms in these FAQs have the same meaning as those terms in the Authority to Access (ATA) Contractor Procedure - Permitted
When is an Access Permit request required?
Who can create a request for an Access Permit in Permitted?
What is a Work Package?
Why am I seeing the Transurban Access Permit in the "Permits" dropdown menu? I thought TAPs are only available in Victoria.
Can I delegate my Access Permits to someone else to manage while I am away?
Can Access Permits be duplicated, and who can duplicate an Access Permit?
When I select "yes" to “Do you require keys for access”, why am I not getting an option to select the keys I require?
What happens if a review (Initial Check, CSP, or traffic) is rejected?
How many files can I upload, and what is the biggest file size you can upload into Permitted?
What is the process for urgent and emergency works?
Can I edit an Access Pemit (Risk Assessment/ Traffic Closure/ CSP) after it has been submitted?
Can I create a Traffic Closure request, before I’ve submitted the Access Permit?
What happens if the Traffic Closure request has not been accepted and workers arrive on site?
Why can't I edit/update my Traffic Closure?
Who is responsible for uploading state-based road closure approvals?
When is a CSP (Critical System Permit) required and what information needs to be provided?
How do I add my sub-contractors to an Access Permit as an Attendee?
How do I ensure that an attendee added to an Access Permit is “site ready”?
When can I start adding Attendees to an Access Permit?