Victoria Frequently Asked Questions

Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised terms in these FAQs have the same meaning as those terms in the Authority to Access (ATA) Contractor Procedure - Permitted


  • When is an Access Permit request required?

    Anyone entering within a Transurban Asset must have Authority to Access. Please refer to your contractual agreement for details.

    Note: Emergency works do not require a Access Permit; however, certain approvals may be required. Please check your local regional procedures or with your Site Contact for more information.

  • Who can create a request for an Access Permit in Permitted?

    Users of Permitted who are “site ready” and from an organisation who has been directly engaged by Transurban can create a request for an Access Permit.

    Where a Transurban Supplier/Contractor has engaged other organisations (sub-contractors) to assist in delivery, the Supplier/Contractor creates the request for an Access Permit on behalf of their sub-contractors.

  • What is a Work Package?

    A Work Package is a defined way of classifying a group of works or activities into a single Access Permit. There are 10 Work Package types, based on the risk profile of the work or activity type. For a list of the Work Package types refer to the Appendix in the Contractor Procedure.  

  • Why am I seeing the Transurban Access Permit in the "Permits" dropdown menu? I thought TAPs are only available in Victoria.

    Depending on how you are set up in Permitted you may see the Transurban Access Permit option; however, you will not be able to create a request for a Transurban Access Permit (TAP) for Assets in Queensland, New South Wales or NorthConnex until the functionality goes live for those Assets. 

  • Can I delegate my Access Permits to someone else to manage while I am away?

    Delegation on a temporary basis is not available via the Permitted application, but it is possible to have the “Creator” of the Access Permit changed to another user. A request ticket can be raised by contacting the Transurban Technology Service Desk team via phone on 1300 166 214 (in Australia).

  • Can Access Permits be duplicated, and who can duplicate an Access Permit?

    Yes, an Access Permit can be duplicated. Anyone who is from the same company and has view access to the Access Permit is authorised to duplicate it.

  • When I select "yes" to “Do you require keys for access”, why am I not getting an option to select the keys I require?

    For states who have a separate key provisioning system, an option to select keys will not be displayed. Reach out to your Transurban Contact for information on how to order keys for the specific Transurban Asset.

  • What happens if a review (Initial Check, CSP, or traffic) is rejected?

    Any rejected components (Risk Questionnaire, Traffic Closure, CSP Questionnaire) will be returned to you for editing. Only the rejected component must be edited and/or re-submitted. All other components remain in their status.

  • How many files can I upload, and what is the biggest file size you can upload into Permitted?

    Up to 250 files per field can be uploaded.

    25 MB is the largest allowable file size in Permitted. For documents larger than 25 MB, please split the document into multiple documents (each 25 MB or less).

  • What is the process for urgent and emergency works?

    Follow the local definitions for emergency and urgent works (available from your Transurban Contact), and procedures for approvals (which may include raising a TAP with escalated lead times).

  • Can I edit an Access Pemit (Risk Assessment/ Traffic Closure/ CSP) after it has been submitted?

    Yes, you can edit an Access Permit once it has been submitted, or even reviewed. Edits to any component (Risk Assessment, CSP, Traffic Closure) which has been reviewed and is in an “Accepted” or “Site Ready” status will trigger a re-review.

    Edits (add, update, cancel) can be made to Traffic Closures without a review being triggered on the TAP (Risk Assessment or CSP). Only the edited Traffic Closure will require review.

    Note: Attendees can be added or removed at any time without the need for review or re-review.

  • Can I create a Traffic Closure request, before I’ve submitted the Access Permit?

    Yes, you can create a Traffic Closure request before the Access Permit has been submitted. 

    Traffic management has been de-coupled from the Risk Questionnaire and can be requested earlier in the process, after the Initial Questionnaire has been completed. There is now a separate questionnaire for traffic management, where the appropriate SWMS can be uploaded.

    NOTE: It is recommended the Access Permit is submitted at least 10 days before the access is due to begin. Only completing the Initial Questionnaire and Traffic Closure request will not allow Attendees to gain access to site.

  • What happens if the Traffic Closure request has not been accepted and workers arrive on site?

    Traffic management can only be implemented with a valid Traffic Control request in Permitted. A valid Traffic Control is defined as one that is:

    • in an Accepted status
    • has all relevant state-based road closure documentation attached.

    Where the Traffic Control request is not valid the workers/ Attendees will be advised they cannot enter site to implement Traffic Control at this time and to reach out to the relevant Site Contact or Transurban Contact for more information.

  • Why can't I edit/update my Traffic Closure?

    The option to edit a Traffic Closure is on the Traffic Management page, accessible directly from the TAP view in Permitted (not from the Traffic Closure itself).

  • Who is responsible for uploading state-based road closure approvals?

    Where a state-based road closure approval is required, you do not need to submit the approval documentation along with the Traffic Closure request. The review will still proceed. But the approval documentation must be uploaded before traffic management can be physically implemented.

    The entity responsible for applying for the state-based road closure approval is responsible for uploading it into Permitted. Reach out to your Transurban Contact for clarification on the processes/ responsibilities for state-based road closure applications.

    When loading state-based road closure approval documents, the “replace” feature should be used so re-review is not required.

  • When is a CSP (Critical System Permit) required and what information needs to be provided?

    Transurban will determine if a CSP is required during the planning stages of works and activities and will advise the Supplier/Contractor accordingly.

    If a CSP is required, a CSP template is available for guidance (it can be modified to suit the work being undertaken). The template (available from your Transurban Contact) includes the minimum information required by Transurban.

    Transurban representatives will collaborate with you and review the documentation for approval. Once approved, the CSP documentation is attached to the Access Permit request within the CSP Questionnaire.

  • How do I add my sub-contractors to an Access Permit as an Attendee?

    The Permitted system links organisations to allow individuals from the linked organisation to be selected as an Attendee to your Access Permit. 

    To link another organisation to your ABN, contact the Transurban Technology Service Desk team via phone on 1300 166 214 (in Australia) to raise a request.

    Each individual must be listed in an organisation directly linked to your ABN (for example - not in an organisation linked to your sub-contractor).

  • How do I ensure that an attendee added to an Access Permit is “site ready”?

    An individual who is not “site ready” cannot be added as an Attendee on an Access Permit.

    When selecting an Attendee to an Access Permit, their qualifications (valid white card, photo ID and site induction) will be checked automatically to ensure they are valid for the entire duration of the Access Permit. Where a qualification is due to expire prior to the end date of the Access Permit, or the attendee is not Site Ready, their names will display in RED with a stoplight indicator. The individual cannot be added, and an error message will display “Attendee not site ready”.

  • When can I start adding Attendees to an Access Permit?

    Attendees can be added any time after the Initial Questionnaire is submitted, up until the Access Permit is in a "Completed" status (it's considered complete when the Access Permit’s end date has passed).

    Adding Attendees does not trigger a re-review of a Site Ready TAP.