Peter Scott
Independent Non-executive Director

BE (Hons), MEngSc, Hon FIEAust, MICE
Term of office
Appointed to the Board on 1 March 2016
Skills and experience
Peter has over 20 years’ senior business experience in publicly listed companies and a breadth of expertise in the engineering and finance sectors.
He was formerly the CEO of MLC and head of National Australia Bank’s Wealth Management Division and held several senior positions with Lendlease.
He was previously Chair and a Non-executive Director of Perpetual Limited, Chair and a Non-executive Director of Perpetual Equity Investment Company Limited and a Non-executive Director of Stockland Corporation Limited and Centuria Heathcare Limited.
His pro-bono activities include being a Fellow of the Senate of the University of Sydney.
Board Committee membership
Member of the Audit and Risk Committee and the Nomination Committee.